My dog is currently in surgery. She is getting her eye removed. Luis' dog also had his eye removed and he looks like a cool pirate, so i'm looking forward to having my own pirate as well.
This goes without saying, but always take your pet's health seriously. Get insurance for them, so that not only will the bills be cheap, but so you can learn what a deductible is! I still don't know what it is, but I know it's something insurancey! That means i'm learning, and my wallet is happy! Net positive.
I will buy another motorcycle eventually.
Some photos of Sidney The Dog:
vile mutt that i have just a tinge of compassion towards
This is when we first found her. Ew! Put that thing down! Just kidding, I know that's a dog. I was only kidding previously. It was a joke. I was Just Joking.
Look at how gross she was too! We could already tell that she had an eye problem, but the vet told us that it was nothing serious at the time. Oops!
I rock with the haircut though. Looks like a 70's Bowie kind of deal. Isn't it cool that I referenced Bowie like that? I call him Bowie, we're close. Kidding again! Rest in Peace.
Clean puppy. We don't actually know how old she is; A vet looked at her teeth for not even a second and said "Eh, six years probably?", so that's what we've gone off of.
Alyssa refused to pet her until she was "not disgusting". Those weren't her exact words, but I remember she kept calling my dog gross, which she is, but still. Have some decency, am I right Bowie? Rest in Peace again man.
You don't want to know what she did to deserve this bath.
Ryan P's mom gave me this very cute tutu for her when they came back from a trip. I have her to thank for truly turning this dog into something that's more easier on the eyes than whatever that thing from the first image was.
She might even be a little... cute...?
I don't know, what do you think Bowie? Just messing. Like usual. Probably sick of this David Bowie thing by now.
He'd probably say his iconic phrase, "Shagadelic Baby!", anyhow.
Surprise Interview! Cont.
ethan wasn't really in that last one but im not sorry since i still mentioned his name
(I should mention that it was at this point that they had begun asking me questions. It kind of defeats the original point, but eloquent and meaningful discussion was still had.)
Skibidi Toilet in Fortnite:

Desi: What do you think of the Skibidi Toilet skin in Fortnite?
I bought it. I redownloaded Fortnite two days ago.
David: Yeah he was actually very excited for it too.
I posted a picture of it.
Desi: I know you did, so I just wanted to hear, like, what you thought of it.
I think it's, um, I think it's super cool.
David: If they add Five Night's at Freddy's to Fortnite do you think you-
One hundred percent, that's not a question.
Desi: How do you feel about Skibidi Toilet being added before Five Nights at Freddy's?
I feel- I feel neutral.
(If it means anything to anyone, I would prefer Dr. House in Fortnite before FNaF. It makes more sense, at least to me.)
Thoughts on Tesla:
(I'm going to skip into halfway in the conversation. You can gather the general idea of how this topic went.)
I think it's stupid and dumb. I think electric cars suck.
David: Didn't you have a car that didn't have a key to like, turn it on?
David that's like every new car ever.
But that was like your main problem-
David all these new cars are push to start.
Every time we get into a Tesla, you always say "Oh the buttons"-
No, not that- that wasn't what I said. Starting the car wasn't my problem, all these new cars are push to start. No, my big deal is how there's only buttons, like, to maneuver. It's like the- instead of a fucking stick shift or anything.. instead of like a... something to shift gears with... or you know, anything. It's just a fucking button. It's a dial. It's on the iPad* now, that sucks. That's what I hate about it.
*(iPad refers to the idiotic screen that is essentially the entire dashboard in most electric garbage pieces of utter trash)
Still David: What do you guys think about the Tesla cars just exploding?
I think it makes sense when you make something out of the, you know, fucking lithium-ion batteries. Stupid fucking car, idiot car. Yeah, let's build a car out of... let's make a phone, but make it have wheels and and um self driving but it's in beta and it really fucks up a lot of the time too and it messes with a lot of traffic regulations as well because if it does mess up, you know, you can't- you can't pull over a car with no driver. Oh fucking lithium-ion batteries fucking stupid cars.
idiot car
Seafood? Yay, or Nay?
Would you take a ribeye over a nice filet of fish, like a nice salmon or whatever?
Luis: No, I mean, yes, yes. I would- I would take a ribeye over that but like, I don't know. I think I'd rather, um. I'd rather, I think- I'd rather... Man, I don't know how to put this, um. You have to give me a second here. I'm trying to see how to put this.
Take your time.
Ethan: I don't like seafood.
Thank you.
(I don't think I remember Luis ever coming to a conclusion. He's a good kid.)
thanks for reading today's post. while making this post I got a call from the vet. Sidney made it out of surgery a-okay and is recovering wonderfully.