On Christmas Day, there’s but one thing on my mind..

There is so much going on with hair. In general, I mean.

rub a dub dub

My biggest issue with it was with shampoo for a while.

I would shampoo every single day because I just thought that’s what you were supposed to do. I had the best hair man. It was awesome.

i love my kids

nothing to do with anything

But apparently it isn’t healthy? Something to do with oil production or something? Whatever it is, finding out about it ruined my life. Now that I know my lucious lucious locks are in danger, I can’t ever go back to daily shampooing. I’m no man of scuzzy hair, today and forever, goddammit.


Testimony from a Kid who goes to a Really Good College.

At first I wanted to ask a dear friend of mine if he could give me the scoop about going to a presitigious college. They asked me to not mention their name or the college, and I honestly don't know what we spoke about so I'll just put down what I'm reading.

The Basics.

You're a smart cookie I would say.

You could say that, yes you could say that.

How do you think you got into *a really good college*? Like, what did you do, and how did you go about doing it?

I just locked in man.

I'm like, dude, high school is full of dumb idiots, and like, people are just, "Oh I gotta smoke my vape and collapse my lungs by the age of 20", and that's all they're concerned with. Bro, you don't see the vision. What if you work hard now, you get rich, you get paid, and then you collapse your lungs when you're 60.

I knew you for a good portion of high school and you didn't look like you cared that much about studies. Yet, you were doing great in them always. Like it was never a thing about you, you know. It was never like "Guys, guess who just aced their piss final" or whatever, you just did it.

Yeah I don't wanna be that guy, no one wants to be around... that guy.

Yeah instead you just spoke about Bleach and Destiny pretty much all the time.

Pretty much-

Like ALL the time.

All the time.

Some Halo every now and then.


Life on the block.

Tell me about where you live.

Yeah okay so like I'm literally next to Harvard Bridge, which means I'm like right across from Boston-

Can I include that you live in Boston?

Yeah I guess.

Okay perfect. How's dorm life in Boston?

My brain is like, really fucked. How's dorm life in Boston? It's like, cool. Like, you get to hang out with a lot of people in your dorm, you know. You become close with the people there.

Is there anything special about it, being the college that [you live in]? Anything cool in particular?

I mean I couldn't tell you because like, obviously, I don't have experiences in other colleges, but...

So it was a useless question to ask.

Yeah. Pretty much, yeah.


I get frustrated.

There is nothing special about your school, goddammit.


Oh my god. Nothing cool, I mean. I thought you were gonna give me some insight, some "How to get better...", you know, "How did I do this?"

All I've been hearing is... it's luck, it's chill. I think that's gonna be the premise for this interview, is that I thought it was gonna be super cool and it turned out being dog shit.

Just call it like, make a title like-


Like, call it-

[You] literally said "People were smoking and I was like, bro, do that when you're 60. Do good now." Oh my god.

I don't know, dude. I don't know what to tell you, like, you caught me on like, the worst day ever. Right now I'm kind of like, just like, turning my brain off and telling you whatever.

Don't blame the day, blame the player, bro.

That doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean anything, I don't know why you just said that.

I blame you.


I'm giving up.

I'm trying to shave my fingers right now. I feel bored right now.

My brain is so bad.

You've done a good job so far.

I haven't, really... This interview is so bad.

Can you just stop fucking saying tha-

Cause I can't stand like, talking about myself that much. I feel awkward.

Does it help if you think about how I have a website called Nushworld? Like, that's how conceited I am. So maybe you can talk a little bit, right? It's not even about you man. It's about your place, where you are, what you're doing. I don't really care about you. I care about the idea of you. I don't give a shit about you. Fuck you... Yeah..

(For future employers: I'm kidding, god.)


What were we talking about?

I don't know if this relates too much to the interview, but like, I feel like kids today just don't try as much. I don't know. Is that like a valid thing to say or is that tone-deaf?

That's understandable, 100%.

Okay, yeah. Like that's all kind of like, pissing me off about people now. It's like some kids don't give a fuck. And it's like, I kind of hate this like, new hedonistic- or maybe it's not new, maybe it's humans in general, I guess.

But I feel like it's way worse now, this hedonistic sort of attitude, where it's like... Don't give a fuck about anything in the future, do everything now. Just don't give a second thought about like, where your life could be if you take action now. And like, I don't know, that was my attitude during high school. If I do all this stuff as a teen, it'll [make me go off track].

I knew from the start that I wanted to go somewhere when I was like, when I'm older, right? And like, I knew the best chance for me to do something with my life was to get into a good college. I feel like most people now are just too comfortable where they are. They don't even want to get out of their comfort zone. And well, like obviously there's also factors like, you know, sometimes like you're... Like you have financial and all those issues, and that makes sense to me, obviously. But it's... you never know. If you do good enough, you know, who knows?..

I feel like everything that drives me kind of traces back to music. So like, the reason I wanted to do good in life was so I can fuck off later and start a band when I retire and waste millions of dollars on it. Yeah.

So you had never wanted it to be something that you actively pursue? You just wanted it to be something that you could afford to do-

No no no. I definitely did want that. But it's like, the reality is like... That is not wise, because first of all, you'll be fucking like starving from week to week from what I've heard. It's like, it's like a pretty competitive... But it's not like your lucrative, sustainable career. So it's like, I kind of came to terms with that. And I was like, all right, fine, then I'll just- it'll just have to stay a hobby, I guess, even though I definitely would want to do it for a living, you know.

So... But then, wouldn't you mind [making] some sacrifices for the thing that you want to do?

I also thought about that, but like, it would also risk, what should I call it, like, souring my relationship with music, you know. Because if I look at music as like a job, I feel like that would ruin my love for it.

But then I feel like- I feel like what the other person would say is, "I don't know what's going to happen in the future", right? "I might die tomorrow for all I know. So why not do what I love today, as long as I still love it."

I know. But also the fact is that with the hand I've been dealt, it'd be stupid to throw everything away into music.

But that's for you, right? You were talking about kids in general, people in general. I'm saying in the beginning, you started off this conversation off by saying "I don't know if this is true, I think people don't care..." Listen, people have not cared for as long as people have been around and you acknowledged that, you already said that. You're aware that this is just a human trait and not something that has just come up within the last couple generations. But it's important to know that a lot of people hold the present to be a lot more valuable than they do the future, you know? That's a big deal breaker for a lot of people, when you start talking to them about the future, and I think it's for a very understandable reason.

Let's say in the context of relationships, you have a girlfriend or whatever and you're talking about, "Oh my God, lunch was so great today, right?" Fuckin' awesome. And then she starts talking about marriage and shit. To some people I can understand that being like a turn off because you never know what the future is gonna hold. Maybe you're just not ready yet, maybe this, maybe that, but all in all the idea is that it's the future, it's scary, it's way out of your control, right? You don't know what's gonna happen, anything can happen. It's literally anything. I think it's maybe not wise to maybe talk about how people are not taking advantage of what they have. Sometimes, this might just be exactly what they want. Some people might just want to hunker down and play for shitty bands. That's the goal.

I'm trying to stand up for that part of me that says, "No, it's good to want to live today." I want to do medical stuff. And I know that's going to take me at least 12 years and that's a fucking, that's a piece of shit nightmare for me, right? I'm fairly confident I won't want to do it anymore in two years. But my whole idea is, as long as I start doing it, hopefully now, you know, I might not even fucking start who knows what. I'm just saying if I get into it now, that's kind of a big convincer for me in the future to just go, hey, you know, I should just finish it now, rather than whatever the fuck. But you, you already started it. You started what you worked so hard for, so be proud.

I'm sorry, but like, um, wait, [my friend] just invited me apart to this place like now. I got to go.

Of course. Fuck. Fucking debbie-downer.


thanks for reading. merry christmas. babgabggbaabba.

jingle jingle bells bell